Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Now it begins

Election season and the democratic party's quest to overtake republicans in the House and Senate officially begins today in NY.   For the most part there was lackluster voting numbers.   A friend chided local democrats of whom less than 10% had voted by 5 p.m.  When the Divine Mrs. M and I showed up at 7 p.m. we were the 127th and 128th of over 1200 registered dems who bothered to vote.  As it turned out, Tedra Cobb a former St. Lawrence county legislator with a talent for organization easily won the primary with over 10,000 votes.  For garnering the win she now faces a well funded and supported Elise Stefanik in the general election.  Barring a serious stumble by the republican it is unlikely Ms. Cobb will be able to overcome Stefanik's advantages, chief among them a huge lead in registered republicans in the district.  Of course everyone is talking about the upset in NYC where a Bernie democratic socialist ousted a very non charismatic white man in a district where less than 20% of the voters are white and a good percentage of those are republicans.  However, the primary serves notice to the national party that progressives can no longer be safely ignored. 

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