Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Failures in civility

While the chaos at the border continues apace, the Washington Post and other media in the capital want us to know there is a terrible lack of civility building toward some kind of horrific climax.  The evidence for this is the request of the owner of a small Virginia restaurant that the spawn of Huck and her entourage please leave because some of her LGBT staff took exception to the tRump administration's policies toward gay citizens.  There is an unwritten code that the policies of the government are totally beyond the control of political appointees and therefore they must be treated with proper deference regardless of the fact in many cases they enable hurtful programs.  Conservatives are particularly at fault in this regard.   They constantly search for liberal policies or spokespeople to demonize.  It is perfectly all right for businesses to discriminate against gay people, but if they in turn refuse to serve the enablers of that policy then the sky must be falling.  As more than one pundit pointed out, we must not lose sight of the separation of families at the border which is the proximate cause for the latest blow against Washington "civility".   Denying service to Huckabee-Sanders is hopefully the first crack in the wall separating policy and the consequences thereof. 

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