Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Wet and wild

The weather seems to be mirroring our election season in its unpredictability.   After a light frost on Saturday morning, temperatures have climbed into the 60s and 70s for highs.  Today should approach 80.  We have had barely a trace of rain for the last month, but over an inch of rain is predicted for the end of the week.   Following the deluge we are promised more seasonal temperatures and precipitation.   That is code for snow and cold in this area.   The garden still has quite a bit of produce to harvest over the next few weeks if temperatures remain within reason.   There is still plenty of kale, collards, broccoli and cabbage.  The spinach is peaking and the beets and carrots are still growing.  It is a shame that so many items are at their peak of flavor and nutritive value and yet a week of bad weather in late October can ruin them.  Of course, 25 years ago, late September was the end of the gardening season here on the NPR.  So I guess there are some good things about climate change. 

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