Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Obscuring the issues

While there is a certain satisfaction in seeing the Donald be hoisted by his sexism petard with the recent revelations regarding his sexual assault m.o., the resultant glut of coverage has largely blotted out the issues which will affect Americans long after this election is a bad memory.  Social Security reform is one of the mega issues bearing down on the baby boomer generation, but it has generated surprisingly little coverage.  This is especially egregious because of the age of the candidates.  Both Trump and Clinton are or will be eligible to collect the maximum benefit available.  This munificent sum is probably in the neighborhood of $3800.00/month.  While it wouldn't keep either candidate in the style to which they have become accustomed, it represents the biggest single payment many people in my generation are likely to see each month.  Without the system is tweaked in the next few years, that benefit, as well as the lower payments most Americans are likely to see will be reduced by up to 35%.  Hillary has a plan to raise the limit on which taxes are collected.  Trump promises continued new benefits but no new taxes.  We need to hear both candidates expound on this issue as well as many others this evening.  Unfortunately, we will be treated to an hour and a half of e-mails and sexual harassment allegations.  It may be titillating, but it certainly won't be enlightening.

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