Thursday, October 13, 2016

A Storm of Shoes

With apologies to George R.R. Martin, the blog post refers to the now incessant drumbeat of women coming forward with stories of The Donald forcing himself on them.  Kissing, touching and otherwise demeaning them as objectified objects of his perverted desire.  All that's missing is an actual rape.  That this misogynist has gotten so far in this election cycle is either a tribute to his campaign's ability to keep a lid on his past, or his opponents' inept oppo researchers.  A more sinister take is that up until the recent revelations, no one has thought Trump's bragging about his sexual escapades was anything more than "locker room banter".  As one of the women who contacted the NYT said, she felt like punching the television as he denied he acted on the supposed fantasies confided to Billy Bush.    This may or may not be the death knell of Trump's campaign.  He still has not tested the limits of his supporters' patience by actually shooting someone on Fifth Ave.  However, he has certainly destroyed any lingering doubt among self respecting women that he is a chauvinist pig who feels that 51% of Americans are fair game for his infantile fantasies.

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