Friday, October 21, 2016


I was about to write an obituary for the GOP presidential pretender, but decided not to invite karmic retribution.  Instead, I would like to focus on the possibility of a Democratic "wave" election similar to 2008, where the Dems won control of both houses of Congress.  By virtue of slim majorities and despite relentless republican obstruction, the triumvirate of Obama, Pelosi and Reid managed to pass the most progressive legislation since the 1960s.  Their achievements included the ACA or Obamacare, saving the auto industry, the Fair Pay Act and many other progressive goals.  Unfortunately they also had to deal with an economic meltdown and the Shrub's failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  If Clinton is given majorities to work with in the House and Senate even if only for two years, progressives will be salivating at the prospect of the legislation that could advance our goals.  It is still a long shot, but Trump's historic unpopularity allows for the possibility that despite republican gerrymandering, the will of the people might actually be respected.

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