Thursday, October 27, 2016

Posting on the nativity

Wyatt Daniel Rock, all 19 inches and 7 1/2 pounds of him made his first appearance in the world last night at 8:03 p.m.   Mother and son are doing fine.  For statistic freaks, Wyatt is among the 20% of babies who was actually born on his due date.  Despite the grinding of the Divine Mrs. M's molars, he looks like a fine little man!  He and his peers from 2008 through at least the next four years will have been born during the presidencies of the first black man and the first woman elected to that office.  While the effect of these landmarks will be lost on this first generation of post millennial babies, their older siblings will have experienced the politics and policies associated with Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton.  Much as boomers were influenced by Jack Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, this generation will embody the aspirations and contradictions of this new political paradigm.  I'm sure Wyatt's parents will ponder these issues, but as of last night, his mother was only hoping he would be a better sleeper than his big sister, Hannah Grace.

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