Friday, October 28, 2016

Undeniably Deplorable

By the day after the 2016 elections, somewhere around 50 million people will have cast a vote for someone who is inarguably the least qualified person who has ever run for President.  Donald J. Trump has been shown to be ignorant of policy, morally bankrupt and tempermentally unsuited for the diplomatic requirements of the presidency.  He has shown disrespect to women and disdain for the hard work required of anyone seeking the office.  Yet many women and even a few educated men fully intend to vote for this caricature of a candidate.  Misogyny is surely one of the reasons for this otherwise inexplicable abandonment of reason.  Many men and women are uncomfortable with the idea of a woman president.  The demonization of Hillary Clinton has been relentless, but it would be so for any other female candidate.  Hillary may have more baggage than most, but does anyone really think it would be different for any strong woman?  Beyond fear and hatred for the change a woman president represents, party affiliation counts also.  The republicans who are voting for Trump out of loyalty to the party are another slice of support.  They will have to live with this choice for the rest of their lives.  Finally, the members of the alt right, racists, white supremacists and other haters make up the "deplorables" who have finally gotten the candidate they have clamored for and deserve.  Fortunately for the future of democracy, all of these groups make up a minority of the electorate.  As long as the rest of us show up and vote, the last year and a half will be nothing more than an unhappy memory.

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