Wednesday, October 12, 2016

It's the climate, stupid

Hillary trotted out Al Gore yesterday in Florida  to bolster her standing among millenials worried about the effects of climate change on their lives and those of their children.  Neither party has spent much time or effort to educate or discuss plans for combatting the effects of mankind's promiscuous release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.  Now that Clinton's election is virtually assured, maybe it is time to listen to the Al Gores of the world.  The science is indisputable to anyone who accepts the scientific method.  At a certain tipping point, the amount of heat trapping gasses in the air will bring about catastrophic changes which may be inimitable to life on earth as we know it.  Every time I see my 2 year old grandchildren and think of how their lives will be impacted by climate change I shudder.  Too many other people have chosen to either ignore or actively deny this change is happening.  Droughts, floods, warmest months of all time followed by even warmer months;  this is all in line with predictions by climate scientists.  I hope Hillary and her closest advisors realize the gravity of the situation.  It's a sure bet Trump and his crew, who are now engaged in a scorched earth political suicide have not spared a moment's thought for the future of our plante.

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