Friday, October 14, 2016

The coming tide of BS

The real, naked Donald Trump was on full display yesterday.  Shorn of any remaining hope of winning the presidency, he is determined to try and take the whole system down with him.  Cartels of international bankers with "unlimited" resources are meeting with Hillary Clinton to plot the destruction of our sovereignty.  This stuff is right out of Hitler's playbook as he prepared the German people for the Third Reich.   He doesn't mention the Protocols of the Elders of Zion by name, but any Jew with a smattering of history at her command knows exactly which buttons Trump is pushing.  As some commentators have said, he is literally in the bunker with a covey of white supremacist lunatics and he has wholeheartedly embraced their playbook.  One of the many differences between the US in 2016 and Germany in 1932 is the economic situation.  We are not in a depressed economy with raging inflation.  All he really has to peddle is hate of everyone who is not a  white man.  Fortunately, that won't work in our pluralistic society where working class non college white men make up a small percentage of the overall electorate.  The scary scenario is that somewhere, someone is taking notes right now and preparing for the elections in 2020.  That person will not be an aging, sexist buffoon.  I will weep for our country if Hillary is unable to reconcile the grievances, real and fancied that so many people seem to feel.

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