Tuesday, October 25, 2016

End Games

The media is furiously plumping the horse race at this point, mostly in the face of nearly overwhelming evidence that Trump is cratering.  Early voting has begun in many states and the Clinton campaign's GOTV operation is working in all 50 states.  Trump's version is to hold as many rallies as possible and call the attendees to vote.  That didn't work so well for Bernie and it won't replace the thousands of phone banks and door to door canvassers who are working for Clinton and down ballot Dems.  Without the RNC's operation, Trump would have virtually no one trying to turn out voters.  As Clinton and the DNC turn toward Senate candidates who can flip the Senate liberal media are worrying about over confidence on Hillary's side.   It doesn't seem that way to me.  It more resembles planting seeds just before a welcome rain in the summer.  If you do all the little things right, the crop will come.  Trump, on the other hand more like a farmer spraying roundup a couple of days late and wondering  why the sprouting crop is turning yellow.  In politics, as in gardening, timing counts heavily in the results of your labor. 

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