Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Touchless Reality

The clueless ciphers who make a living on the MSNBC show "Morning Joe" demonstrated their complete disconnection from the majority of Americans as they commented on the demise of the economy of Connecticut this morning.   As always, the blame was laid at the feet of the tax and spenders, generously including both major parties in the indictment.  One guest who lives in the state says all the tradesmen have fled the state due to high taxes and business unfriendly policies.  If you can't find a plumber or electrician in Greenwich, it is prima facie evidence the government is conspiring to destroy the economy according to the collective wisdom.  Better to point to South Carolina, which has lured auto plants from around the world, promising low taxes and cheap American labor.  This is the same agenda the southern states used to lure the textile industry from New England 100 years ago.  Shortly, Korea or Viet-Nam will lure those plants away from Carolina.  The relentless race to the bottom and the soul killing nature of many jobs should be the talk on shows like Morning Joe, but the millionaire commenters on these shows have only a hazy notion of what the 99% is doing on a daily basis.  I am waiting for them to invite Bernie Sanders on to the show, but I'm not holding my breath.

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