Monday, June 22, 2015

Father's Day musings

It was a lovely Father's Day at Casa Monzeglio on Sunday.   The girls and their significant others were present and accounted for as well as the next generation.  As I told the Divine Mrs. M, I couldn't have been a father without her, I realized the reverse was not true.  This led to an epiphany regarding fatherhood.  Despite the role evolution has assigned to men, with modern scientific advances we are becoming less and less biologically necessary to the process.  It behooves us to make our presence in the family a beneficial one.   Gone are the days of patriarchal dominance.  As I look at my sons in law interact with their children, I see an new paradigm.  They are even more involved in their children's lives than I was.   I think that is a hopeful sign for the future.   I expect to be a larger presence in the grandchildrens' lives as I head toward retirement.  They will enrich my life in many ways I was unable to experience with my own girls.  That's a change to cherish.

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