Friday, June 26, 2015

The triumph of reason

It would seem that Chief Justice John Roberts and President Obama will have a common legacy in years to come.  Roberts is probably the single biggest defender of the ACA, aka Obamacare and the key to the latest victory over the conservative challengers of the law's legitimacy.  By broadening the Court's decision to prevent further lawsuits based on grammar and focusing on the law's intent, Roberts essentially said the future of the ACA will be decided by the legislative branch of the government, not an activist judiciary.  Of course, Antonin Scalia's head exploded!  As Paul Krugman points out in today's NYT, the law has worked much better than its proponents hoped and its detractors feared.  The same idiots on the right (I'm talking to you, Ted Cruz) who are still calling for repeal would have been in the forefront of the battle to kill Social Security in the 1930s and Medicare in the 60s.  Within a few years, I predict we will move toward universal coverage and eventually single payer health care, or Medicare for all.  As Social Security and Medicare helped make the last years of life more secure for seniors, Obamacare will take away some of the anxiety for the rest of the population.   Expect to see the following slogan at future Tea Party rallies;  "Keep your hands off my Obamacare"....

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