Thursday, June 25, 2015

Dunces in the Confederacy

The breathtaking speed with which symbols of the Confederacy are being attacked and removed from view has taken many racist bigots by surprise.   As usual, Rush Limbaugh is leading the charge from the right.  Condemning those who would tarnish the reputation of the treasonous secession of the 11 southern states, Limbaugh seemingly has never encountered a hateful meme he didn't like.  As many have pointed out, the major reason for secession was the fear that a President Lincoln administration would chip away at the institution of slavery and eventually end the practice of one human being owning another.  Though many poor whites in the south never owned slaves and fought under the stars and bars for various reasons, it remains true that the elites broke away from the United States because they wished to preserve the economic system enabled by slavery.  The present day nostalgia for the Confederacy is mystifying to me.  While the provocation provided by the addled Mr. Roof has resulted in a new debate regarding the Civil War, I can only hope it continues until even the diehards realize their ancestors fought and died for a despicable cause, despite the heroism many exhibited while fighting and dying for it. 

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