Friday, June 5, 2015

All Fear all the time

Lindsay Graham kicked off his presidential campaign the other day.  Any voice of reason near the senator should be telling him he has about as much chance of being elected president as a snowball fight breaking out in Columbia on July 4.  Especially as his theme or Meme of the campaign is to be very afraid of the terrorist under your bed.  As if $600 billion a year is not enough to keep us safe, he is ready to rebuild the military.  At what cost, we can only imagine.  By now, most Americans know you have more chance of choking to death on a chicken bone than being killed by a terrorist.  Fear seems to be the republicans major selling point.  Fear of terrorists, voter fraud, illegal immigrants, executive overreach and  BENGHAZI are all reasons we should be terrified.  Climate change, economic inequality and Wall St. corruption, not so much.  At least there seems to be a large contrast between the dems and repubs this time around.  If only the media can discern and report on it.

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