Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Delayed posting

Sorry about the delay posting.   After arthroscopic knee surgery, I am working from home for a couple of days and couldn't figure how to do a new post.  As far as the knee goes, it's too early to tell how much the surgery helped, although the orthopedist is pretty confident.  I was hoping to be able to play golf by Father's Day.   We'll see, but the joint still seems pretty sore.  Meanwhile, the garden continues in a downward spiral from too much water.   Couldn't buy a drop in May and now can't shut the tap in June.  I used to feel the heavy clay soil in the Champlain valley was ideal for gardening, but without adequate drainage, a couple of weeks of rain will blight your best efforts and prevent further planting and weeding until such time as the skies cease and desist.

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