Thursday, June 18, 2015

New occupants in the Clown Car

Jeb Bush and Donald Trump have officially announced their addition to the GOP sweepstakes.  It's hard to figure which one is more pathetic.   Bush looks like he is checking off a box on his bucket list.  There seems to be little joy in his demeanor.  He seems to feel his name is his ticket to the White House.  Meanwhile, the Donald kicked off his campaign in front of a paid for audience by declaring " the American Dream is dead".  There is some inspiration!   I guess we can't all dream of playing at being billionaires and reality show hosts.  Seriously, is this what we have come to as a nation.  A legacy candidate and a reality show clown.  The worst is that their predecessors in announcing their intentions are not a whole lot better.  Denying health care to the poor, tax cuts for the rich and the continuing decay of American infrastructure is the default Republican program for the country.  I'd say that's pretty short on inspiration.

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