Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Monsoon Blues

I could have emptied the rain gauge again last night, but the effort would have been profoundly depressing, so I ignored it.  We have had roughly 5 inches of rain in the last three weeks and the soils in this area are saturated.  The heavier soils need at least a week or two of dry weather to get into shape to allow me to stand on them, let alone plant, weed or harvest.   The corn is turning yellow, the tomatoes are drowning and most of the rest of the plantings in the back gardens  are barely holding their own.  Two years ago we had a similar inundation and I had to wait until late July to begin planting fall crops.  I don't know if I have the patience or fortitude to do the same thing this year.  I have a feeling the next few years will bestow similar disappointments on anyone farming or gardening on marginal soils.  The ideal soil for the conditions we will face is a well drained sandy loam.  Good luck finding that type  of soil in this area.  I used to laugh at people who claimed the future of farming high value crops was in a controlled indoor environment.  I'm beginning to think they will have the last laugh.

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