Friday, June 12, 2015

Fighting a rear guard action in the culture wars

The state of Michigan is following hard on the heels of North Carolina.  The legislators are channeling the intolerance of about 30% of their constituents who can't abide the thought the wrong people are able to marry and adopt children.  So in Michigan, social services representatives can deny otherwise qualified couples from adopting children if they are same sex.  Likewise in N.C., registrars can exercise their personal bigotry to deny marriage to same sex or even interracial couples if they determine the union of the two people applying for a license is against their personal ideology.  Of course, by the time our grandchildren are adults these blatant attempts to discriminate based on outmoded concepts will appear quaint, much as our grandparents looked at slavery.  There will always be a fraction of the population who want to live in a world which looks like it did when they were coming of age.   If these same people were transported to 1776, they would have denounced the Declaration of Independence and either fought with the British, or moved to Canada.

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