Monday, January 5, 2015


Historically, I have not made too many resolutions for the New Year.  Knowing the weakness of this particular flesh, I prefer not to disappoint myself.  However, this year I have made a couple of exceptions.  I will not patronize any fast food restaurants until the employees receive a living wage.  If that involves paying more money for my hamburger fix, I'm OK with that.  In the meantime, Mickey Ds, Burger King, et al will have to get along without my patronage.   My other resolution is to appreciate the virtues of the Divine Mrs. M and spend more time with her.  I think both of these resolutions are doable and satisfying.  Beyond that, we'll see where the New Year takes me.  Relentless blogging, golf, gardening and grandchildren are the watchwords, not necessarily in that order. 

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