Thursday, January 22, 2015

Solving the inequality puzzle

As anyone can see, birth has nothing and everything to do with your prospects for success in life.   A child born to a single mother with a minimum wage job has a lottery winner's chance of rising to middle class status.  Meanwhile, the child of parents in the 1% is virtually assured of a good living, regardless of her native intelligence and ability.  We decry this inequality, but do virtually nothing about it.   the  president offered some tepid prescriptions for dealing with the problem, but even such commonsense proposals as a child care tax credit for the middle class are DOA in a republican congress.  What about a real attack on the problem...  I would propose a national guaranteed income equivalent to a 40 hour week at the minimum wage for everyone.  Cancel all the social welfare programs and substitute this payment.  That, coupled with early childhood interventions like preschool starting at the age of three and continuous education through junior college would give lower class toddlers a fighting chance to move up the social ladder.  Many would call this program socialism, and maybe it is, but I don't see how we can lift millions out of poverty in a generation without radical measures.

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