Wednesday, January 28, 2015

recycling and the end of waste

Not really, but the new ban on Styrofoam take out containers and coffee cups is at least a nod in the direction of less waste.  In my own case, I have spent many nervous hours reducing coffee cups to a pile of foam beads but I have not had that experience in some time.  Obviously paper cups have become cheaper, so the new ban is more symbolic than substantial.  However, we need to encourage the trend.  Next up, plastic shopping bags.  I try to keep a supply of canvas shopping bags in my car for expeditions to the local Hannafords, but lately I have run out and am accepting the mostly one use bags.  I feel like a wastrel when I see most of my fellow shoppers schlepping their recyclable bags to the checkout.  We are far from the end of waste, as evidenced by the "Waste Mangagement Phoenix Open" golf tournament being played this weekend.  If I had told my parents 50 years ago that the weekly trip to the town dump would be parlayed into a multi-billion dollar business, the laughter would have been embarrassing. 

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