Thursday, January 8, 2015

Religion and the limits of freedom

While most western pundits expressed horror and outrage at the assassination of 12 journalists and police at the Paris offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, there seemed a little lack of understanding of how such a thing could happen.  Instead of examining the social and cultural antecedents of the affair, they immediately branded the killers as murderous thugs.  The same was true of the men involved in the Boston Marathon bombing.  Yes, it is correct to condemn  the killings in both cases.  However, we need to do a little self examination to see if just maybe the policies western governments have followed for the last several hundred years, dating back to the Crusades may have contributed to the pent up rage that was expressed in Paris and Boston, and even 9/11.  I can only wonder if a satirical Muslim publication in  America depicted Jesus Christ in flagrante delicto with Mary Magdelene would we be condemning some fundamentalist Christian for murdering the editors of said paper...

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