Friday, January 9, 2015

Off the Wall

Emboldened by their recent congressional victories, it would seem many republicans have become unmoored from what the rest of us consider reality.  From Mitch Obstructionist McConnell claiming credit for the rebound in economic growth because of "anticipation of a republican majority", to Lindsay Graham blaming the president for the Charlie Hebdo massacre, the crazy is echoing through the capital.   As I have said from day one of his presidency, Obama has mobilized the racist base of the republican as no one else (with the possible exception of Hilary Clinton) could.  While most of those knuckle draggers would question the legitimacy of any democratic president, the specter of a black man who is obviously more intelligent than they are drives at least 40% of the population crazy.  I can only imagine the reaction to President Clinton in 2016!

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