Thursday, January 15, 2015

Socially insecure

Once again the republicans have majorities in both houses of congress.  Once again they are mounting an attack on the Social Security program.  As one wag put it they are using cripples to scare old people so they can slash both benefits.  With republicans, I think it is always about "those people" getting benefits they are not entitled to, whether young or old, disabled or just unable to fit into modern society.  Of course, in the final analysis it is the 1% driving this agenda, but the rank and file buy into the greedy geezer, layabout young buck, welfare mother tropes that are trotted out every time the social security program is perceived to be in trouble.  There are multiple easy fixes available, from raising the max income taxed from its present ceiling to raising the payroll tax, but in the present congress these will not be considered.  Here, the mantra is  "We must cut benefits now, so we won't have to cut them later".  Despite the fact there is overwhelming support in the country for actually raising social security benefits, we have to deal with the fact Americans elected a coterie of rich men who would prefer  to cut the aforementioned benefits.  This is your democracy.  Cherish it.

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