Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Crying wolf for fun and profit

Shouldn't the weathermen be held accountable when they predict massive snowstorms and we wind up with a few flakes.  Central Park in NYC was reporting 5 inches of snow on the ground this morning with possibly another inch or two to come.  This after breathless reports all day yesterday predicting 2 feet of snow and blizzard conditions.  Governments relying on this information closed roads and transit systems, forced businesses to close and stalled all economic activity.  I'm sure somewhere in the wilds of Maine someone will measure 2-3 feet of snow, but in New York, the costs of these bungled forecasts will probably total in the hundreds of millions of dollars.  I sure wish I was in a business where you can be wrong more than 50% of the time and still remain a respected and well remunerated member of society.

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