Thursday, January 29, 2015

National service and the minimum wage

With the rise of the "volunteer army" in the 1980s, the debate over national service has muted.  The draft and the citizen armies of WW 2 and the Vietnam era at least gave the illusion of a requirement of serving your country.  Unfortunately, that service was only requested for war making, and only involved young men in peak physical condition.  It is time to revive the idea of service to your country.  Only, this time, let's make it service in the true meaning of the word.  Besides national defense, let's use the desire and energy of the young people of this country and even older folks to rebuild the failing infrastructure of roads and bridges which bind us together.  If everyone is obliged to spend 2 years in service, whether military or civilian, we will engage a vast pool of labor.  Setting a wage of $15.00/hr. for those young people will allow them to save for future endeavors, while putting a floor on all wages in this country.  The bureaucracy that would be necessary to direct this youthful energy would also provide jobs for many.  It would seem like a no-brainer, but the debate needs to start.

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