Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year

Looking back over the posts for the past year it has been pretty grim at times.  Man's inhumanity to his fellows is a recurring theme.  From war to wealth inequality to naked racism, we play one tribe against another, one belief against another, rinse and repeat.  Yet there are voices being raised against senseless violence and aggrandizement.  The Nobel peace prize went to young activists who risked their lives to promote education among young women.   The protests after the incident in Ferguson, Mo. shows that there is pushback against things that have been tolerated for too long. The President has shown in the last two months he will not give in to the reactionaries.  So there is hope and triumph to go with the pessimism. Besides, we are within four months of the beginning of gardening and golf here on the NCR.  So, bring on the winter.  The days are getting longer and peace and justice are just around the corner.  Happy 2015 to all.

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