Friday, December 5, 2014

Veg market ups and downs

It's a helluva market, cauliflower up and lettuce down.  And farmers stare at a hole in the ground.  So much for a vegetable tribute to "On the Town".   The market certainly has had its ups and downs lately.  Fuel prices, which have driven freight rates higher for the last few years are declining.  Petroleum, which plays such an outsized role in modern agriculture, is making many aspects of farming a little cheaper.  Fuel, pesticides and fertilizer all depend on oil prices, so it will be cheaper to farm in the coming year.  Lower priced inputs will help, but $7.00 lettuce and $5.00 broccoli prices will kill any enthusiasm for farming.  Without demand, prices will languish.  Maybe if the minimum wage was raised to $15.00/hr. level, millions of people would be able to afford to eat fresh!  What a novel idea...

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