Thursday, December 11, 2014

Torture and the American Id

According to one poll, if Americans are asked if they would approve torture of terrorists in order to extract intelligence which would prevent attacks on the country, at least 50% of respondents would approve.   That's depressing enough.  Add to that the overwhelming evidence that "enhanced interrogation" doesn't produce reliable information, and we are plunging into a moral rat-hole for no good reason.   I want to believe that if the above question was revised to include the appraisal of the Senate Intelligence committee that we essentially threw together an amateur torture program that Torquemada would be ashamed of and hopefully the percentage of approval would be far less than 50%.   I really want to believe that our "Christian" nation would not be the band of blood thirsty vigilantes the polls would have us believe we are.  It is hard to think 8 years of Bush and Cheney have coarsened us to this extent.  May the flying spaghetti monster forgive us.

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