Friday, December 12, 2014

2 years and counting

Our new Republican overlords gave us a hint of what's to come last night.  Larding a must pass spending bill with goodies for the rich and the banksters, they threw it out at the last minute and appealed for bipartisanship.  That will be the watchword for the next couple of years.  Do whatever the republicans and their sponsors want or be branded a partisan obstructionist.  The sad part is the beltway media has already written this crap into our national conversation and it will be hard to dislodge it.  The only thing dems can do is continue, like Elizabeth Warren to point out the giveaways and hope a grass roots movement will build over the next two years and start a new populist agenda in time for the next elections.  The rising tide of inequality may even overshadow the social and racist agenda that has many poor and middle class whites voting against their own self interest.

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