Monday, December 15, 2014

Silver Bells

Even the Grinch in Oneonta would be hard pressed to bah humbug the season as the carols ring and good cheer is expressed on every street corner.   Holiday concerts and parties, the ubiquity of the Tiny Tims among us blessing everyone and even the yearly ritual of the Christmas card list are guaranteed to get us into some kind of holiday spirit.  As the Divine Mrs. M and I went through our list of card recipients of previous years there was some sadness at the discovery so many had passed on, but newer  families are taking their place and many older friends remain.  Thinking about many of these friends and family members is a once a year thing, but it still brings out strong feelings of belonging to a greater family.  These are the ties that bind us all, regardless of our disagreements of things political during the course of the year.  So what if it is an artificial holiday designed to usurp a pagan ritual.  Let the silver bells ring, the Christmas trees glow and light the lights to banish darkness.  Happy Chankukah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza.  Celebrate the season with family and friends.

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