Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Weather gods are crazy

19 degrees and sunny this morning as I look out on a winter wonderland.  Despite torrential rain and temps in the 60s yesterday, it started to snow last night and the grass is covered, while unsalted roads are a thin sheet of ice.  Having changed to summer tires last week, the roads were a challenge, even with AWD.  As far as the garden is concerned, we will be set back for at least a week.  Soil temps are probably in the upper 30s below the frozen crust and we can expect another couple of nights in the 20s before the next warm up.  The surface of the soil will be slick and wet each day when melting begins.  The soil is saturated, so the strawberry plants which arrived yesterday will be residing in the fridge for the forseeable future.  I hope I remember this when we are at 90 degrees and haven't had a drop of moisture for 3 weeks...

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