Friday, April 11, 2014

The New Death Panels

Sorry about today's post.  Somehow, the blog moved the body of my post about half way down the page where the rest of the week's posts were also.  To summarize my thought today,  it seems the new death panels are composed of Republican governors and legislators in Red States who are denying health care to millions of poor and middle class constituents by refusing the federal government's offer to extend Medicaid.  It has been estimated this refusal will cost the lives of 7- 17,000 people who would have been helped by Medicaid.  They say their intent is to save money, but ironically, most of the states who have refused the federal funding consistently get more from the feds than they send to Washington.  The real reason of course is the typical ploy of today's republican party;  deny any credit to President Obama, no matter if it hurts their own constituents.  They are playing to their base, and it is at its heart a racist message which will gin up support from a minority of bigoted white men who will rapidly age out of the system.  I hope they enjoy the bitter fruits they are sowing now.

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