Monday, April 14, 2014

Another Death Panel

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued another report, mixing dire forecasts with Pollyanna like faith in humanity doing the right thing.  I'm sure the Koch brothers ads will be advocating solar power and renewable energy sources at the expense of the fossil fuel industry.  Not....  Unless governments around the world step in and make climate change a priority, we are liable to limp along down the road of least resistance.  Drill, baby, drill!   Meanwhile on the NCR, global warming is a punchline.  We had  nice weather this weekend which allowed me to get carrots, parsley and spinach planted, but 10 to 12 inches below the surface the soil is still frozen.  We have a small snowstorm predicted for Tuesday and the long range forecast is for plenty of rain for the next two  weeks.  We are getting the April showers, but it is too cold to plant for May flowers.

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