Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Feeling the burn

As in freezer burn later today.   The weather service is predicting temps in the low 20s with snow tonight and highs in the 30s tomorrow.   Many of my cold frame plantings are just starting to germinate and are at high risk for freeze damage.  I covered them with a double layer of remay cloth and will keep my fingers crossed.  Last year, my onion crop looked good after planting in the main garden only to drown in subsequent rains.  This year they might not make it out of the cold frame.  This season is not starting on an optimistic note.  It looks like the weather will not settle down until we get into May.  To the casual gardener that doesn't sound too bad, but for the fanatic, it represents nearly a month of wasted effort.  Early plantings that didn't germinate, wet, cold soil holding back transplants, etc.  Every season is different, and every one has challenges.  The trick is to roll with whatever Mother Nature has to throw at you and stay flexible.  At least that is what I tell myself at times like this.

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