Monday, April 28, 2014

In the land of the 1%

After a weekend in NYC with the Divine Mrs. M, I salute the ordinary people who live and work in that vibrant place.   The cultural and dining options are multitudinous and enchanting, but the giant sucking sound you hear from your back pocket is your wallet emptying at warp speed.   From the cost of living, dining to moving from place to place ($2.50 for a subway ticket) there is a constant drain on resources.  Granted, we were in it for a semi-hedonistic weekend, but even the mundane costs of existence like groceries are astronomical.  I can certainly sympathize with a service worker making $9-$10. per hour.  They are living on the edge without much of a safety net.  For a once a year lark, the costs can be justified, but living in the City is hard to imagine.

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