Friday, April 4, 2014

Health Care Follies

With 7 million enrollees and  counting, the ACA, AKA Obamacare looks like it will survive the relentless Republican attacks since its inception.  For most Americans, myself included, the whole fight has been numbingly boring.  I am covered with good insurance and the only difference Obamacare has made is the ability to cover the offspring until their 26th birthdays.  For them, the new system is a big deal as it will enable them to get reasonably priced insurance if they are not covered by their employers.  Of course, the real deal would have been Medicare for all, but that is not politically feasible at this time.  My generation will have to be gone for that to happen.  Meanwhile, as with Social Security and Medicare, the Republicans will fight a losing battle against the creeping socialism they see embodied in these welfare state programs.   In the long run, the fight will be just as futile as Americans see the benefits of health care for everyone.  The system will eventually be streamlined and at some point we will have the benefit of cradle to grave healthcare.  I hope everyone realizes who is fighting for what as the process plays out.

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