Thursday, January 31, 2013

a new crop

Gun nuts.   They seem to grow on trees these days.  When they ripen, they must fall off the tree  headfirst.  That seems the only logical explanation for Wayne LaPierre and his fellow afficianados.  What makes me crazy about this whole debate is even the most passionate advocates of gun control always start the conversation with the tacit admission that virtually anyone who is not a criminal or batshit crazy should be able to own guns.  That is a stupid position.  In a large city, there is no good reason for citizens to own firearms.  The thought of a heavily armed, poorly trained phalanx of people who fantasize they are Bruce Willis in a Die Hard movie is more than vaguely disquieting.  If we must allow such idiocy, then it must be tightly controlled.  Potential gun owners must be trained in firearm safety, they must be registered, insured and must pay fees which will fund the system of background checks necessary to keep the crazies from acquiring the means to slaughter innocents.  We need to revisit the 2nd amendment and define what a "well ordered militia" means vis-a-vis gun ownership.  We have overplanted the gun nut crop and we need to prune the trees.

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