Monday, January 21, 2013

New Pages

Today, we turn a new page in our history.  A black American (despite what the birthers say) is being sworn into the office of the Presidency for the second time.  He will be unshackled from the necessity of pleasing marginal groups of voters in order to win crucial votes in a re-election campaign.  Now, we should see who the real Obama is;  the community organizer with sympathy for the powerless, or the suckup to the powerful on Wall St. and the moneyed interests.  He found out how grateful the hedge fund operators and banks were in the run up to the recent election.  75% of their money went to Romney, as the mild, rather toothless reforms proposed by the administration were perceived as an attack on the privileges of the plutocracy.  Will Obama flip the bird to these people and stand up for the 99% or will he continue to buckle in the face of Republican obstruction.  So far, it looks like the populist in his nature is winning.  Time will tell, but I think the vast majority of Americans are looking for the kind of leadership this country has been lacking since FDR's time.  Let's hope the President has made the same calculation.

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