Thursday, January 24, 2013

Frigid Redux

It is another cold one on the NCR.  Even hard by the still open waters of Lake Champlain it was -12 this morning.  The valley in which the town of Saranac Lake sits recorded -31.  Some ski areas in Vermont and New Hampshire were forced to shut down due to excessive wind chill.  This kind of weather was once the norm for this area, but is now seen as an unwelcome guest.  Even new cars are hard starting in this regime.  Aside from the sheer discomfort, excessive cold slows down normal economic activity, including purchases of fresh fruit and veg.  While some of us long for more vegtables on our dinner plate, many people forgo them entirely, especially when the prices reflect weather problems in western growing areas.  The annual junk food orgy associated with Super Bowl Sunday is gearing up, and the only veg invited to the party will be a few celery sticks on the plate of buffalo wings and a mostly ignored veggie platter.  Been there, done that.  Spring can't come soon enough.

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