Tuesday, January 29, 2013

salads, etc.

One of my manifold duties is answering customer complaints for a packaged salad maker.  The number of complaints is usually small, and varies somewhat with the season and the quality of the raw materials.  Too much rain, heat, cold, etc. can play havoc with the quality of the salads.  Another problem is insects and their eggs.  To those customers who grew up in towns and never gardened, the most horrific scenario is opening their salad and coming face to face with a grasshopper or other insect.   Having dealt with insects in produce all my life, I sometimes find it hard to sympathize with my city cousins and their phobias.   Yes, if the salad is washed and inspected you have a reasonable expectation the container should only be filled with lettuce or spinach leaves.  However, until salads are grown under factory conditions with totally artificial inputs, there is a small but not negligible chance you will encounter wildlife with your greens.

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