Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Paen to Progressivism

The President obviously had one eye on posterity yesterday.  He let his inner liberal out to play for a few minutes and the Republican dowagers were clutching their pearls and calling for smelling salts.  Equality for gays, strengthening the social safety net, working against (gasp) climate change.  It was a call to arms for those of us who believe people have value and science provides validation of concern for the future of our existence on this planet.  The same idiots who criticized the previous inaugural speech for high flying rhetoric are now crying yesterday's speech was a partisan wish list which demonized the president's opponents.  These are the same people who also made it their main agenda to deny Obama a second term.  Go figure.
Today, it is 1 above 0 degrees and we should have a high of about 8.  Time to dream of spring!

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