Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

Always a problem this time of year for produce salesmen and gardeners.  Produce sellers always make brave resolutions to start the new year.  Let's cut out the dead wood, only sell customers who pay a reasonable price for their produce, and so on.  That resolution lasts until the first truck you need to fill out has 5 pallets open and the jerk you promised yourself not to sell is the only customer who is "willing" to help you.  So you swallow hard and that resolution is down the drain.  As a gardener, it is much tougher to make a resolution that sticks.  Every year you receive dozens of catalogs with beautiful  illustrations of tasty vegetables and fruits and the temptations start.  Just a few more square feet and I'll stop there.  But of course it doesn't stop there.   I need to resist more than ever this year.

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