Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Stop the madness

Isn't everyone sick of hearing the talking heads on TV preface every statement about the NRA, "I'm a loyal member of the NRA and I believe in the 2nd Amendment".   I'll bet most of them have never read the damn thing in the first place, especially if they believe it entitles everyone to the assault weapon of their choice, including, I suppose an RPG and a shoulder launch SAM.  What a bunch of idiots.  Are they so afraid of the NRA they can't use common sense, or is it the common wisdom among the media elite that the masses must have their weapons, along with their religion to keep them pacified.  This would be the "Bread and Circuses" theory of keeping the declining American Empire manageable for a few more years.  Maybe the administration can break out of this circular logic with its new recommendations.  It will take a little moral courage to weather the predictable outrage from the usual suspects, but without resolve, there will be no progress.  When the next Sandy Hook happens, and it will, the very people who will fight every new regulation will wring their hands and cry the loudest.

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