Thursday, January 17, 2013

money and martyrs

The president introduced some common sense answers to the problem of gun violence in this country and the predictable uproar has ensued.   The usual suspects, mostly those with money at stake are crying the country is being emasculated by the Kenyan, socialist usurper.  Meanwhile, more than 60% of the American people either agree with him, or feel his prescription is not strong enough medicine for what ails us.  The crux of the opposition to reasonable gun regulation is the feeling that banning assault weapons and high capacity gun clips is infringing on an imagined freedom.  When pushed to the wall, the gun nuts admit their fantasy of single handedly taking on jack booted government operatives as they land and jump from their black helicopters with the intention of taking away patriots' guns and then....what?  It seems they never get beyond the epic confrontation which involves shooting thousands of rounds of ammo from high powered rifles.  I went to Catholic school for eight years, public high school and university and rarely if ever encountered these caricatures of an involved citizenry.  Who are these fools and how did they get this way?   Who is making the money from this scam?   These are questions we should be asking  ourselves?

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