Thursday, July 14, 2011

To a sprout free world

News that the authorities allowed a German sprout farm to reopen after the e-coli outbreak that killed 53 people is enough to get me to swear off sprouts forever.  According to the article in the NYT, the government is blaming a shipment of Egyptian fenugreek seeds for the outbreak.  That means every single shipment of sprouts should be held for at least 24 hours and tested before shipping to customers.  Want to bet it happens?  As long as farms buy seed from 3rd world countries with minimal safety regulations and sprout them without testing, you might as well play Russian Roulette with your fork as eat non tested sprouts.  Unfortunately, in this country, our regulations are tougher for foreigners shipping to this country than domestic producers.  So I think I'll take a vacation from sprouts.

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