Friday, July 8, 2011

confidence fairies

I guess the produce business is going to have to wait for the President's confidence fairies to get people to eat their veggies.  That's about the only help the government seems to want to provide.  Less government jobs in a time of high unemployment.  That's the ticket to economic nirvana.  As state governments slash jobs and fight over balancing budgets, the whole sorry spectacle of the US government wrangling over how many people to lop off medicaid and how best to screw the middle class is a commentary on how far America has come from the "can do" optimism of the 60s to the "we can't afford it" (unless it's tax cuts for the rich) ethos of 2011.  Marie Antoinette's admonition "Let them eat cake" seems eerily like the drivel coming out of Washington today.  At least they could say "eat your veggies so you can remain realitively healthy as you slide into poverty".  Now that sound like change I can believe in.

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