Friday, July 15, 2011

slow produce weekend

As always in the produce business, there are as many rationalizations for poor business activity as there are participants in said business.  The further away from the field, the more esoteric the explanation.  I think the simplest reason is the best; too many unemployed people with too little disposable income.  The high earning college educated will continue to eat their veggies because they have been taught it will lead to better health and longer life, and because their parents taught them.  The lower earners are more likely to be unemployed and they are looking for high calorie foods to fill them up.  Unfortunately, they didn't get the "produce for better health" message the Produce Marketing Association touts.  Besides, their parents probably were not on the produce bandwagon either.  There are millions of these marginal participants in the produce business and if they cut their consumption by a very small margin, it has a big impact on the total business.

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